Through study, effort, and affection, we may discover the sacred jewels tucked within the city’s corridors.
— Seraphina Dawn

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga is the practice of acknowledging, understanding, enhancing, and expressing your creative force.

The physical component (kriyas) targets the glands, organs, and nervous system to create a heightened sensitivity and awareness of the subtle body - the energy body that consists of the aura, arc line, and seven chakras along the spinal column. 

In Tantrism, Kundalini is the serpent power of Shakti coiled at the base of the spine. To achieve liberation, the practitioner performs kriyas, mantras, mudras, and meditations to raise the Kundalini energy (the Shakti, creative potential) to the third eye consciousness. 

Like all yoga practices, Kundalini Yoga is a physical and spiritual process; the path paved is unique and based on the individual's intent. 

Yoga helps maintain the physical body's strength and flexibility; it may increase your confidence, elegance, composure, and compassion. It is also a gateway to experience the Divine, the creative potential and magnetic force we each contain! 

It is an inquiry into the unseen realm that requires devotion, discipline, and Drishti (focus). Best of all, it is a path of action, meaning you must do it to express and engage the Shakti within you fully. 

The Kundalini practice opens with the mantra: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.
Meaning: I bow to the Divine teacher within.


book recommendations, resources, and teachers who’ve inspired and aided my learning are below.